Chemistry Problem Solving Videos @ WVU

Chem 233 - Organic Chemistry I


Naming a Cycloalkane

Determine the IUPAC name for the cycloalkane shown on the right.

Video Solution

Naming a Cycloalkane 2

Determine the IUPAC name for the cycloalkane shown on the right.

Video Solution

Naming a Cycloalkene

Determine the IUPAC Name for the compound shown on the right.

Video Solution

Naming an Amine

Determine the IUPAC name for the amine shown on the right.

Video Solution

Naming a Dialkyne

Determine the IUPAC name for the compound shown on the right.

Video Solution

Naming an Epoxide

Determine the IUPAC name for the compound shown on the right.

Video Solution

Relationship Between Two Compounds

Determine the relationship between the two compounds shown on the right.

Video Solution