Chemistry Problem Solving Videos @ WVU

Chem 116 - General Chemistry II Laboratory

Laboratory Meetings & Experiments:

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Exp 1 – Identification of Anions


Exp 2 – Chemical Reaction Rates


Exp 7 – Amphoterism and Ammonia Complexes


Exp 3 – Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium


Exp 8 – Group I Qualitative Analysis


Exp 4 – The Common Ion Effect and Equilibrium


Exp 5 – Indicators and Their Use


Exp 6 – Generation of a Titration Curve


Exp 9 – Group II Qualitative Analysis


Exp 10 – Group III Qualitative Analysis


Exp 11 – Group IV Qualitative Analysis


Exp 12 – Group V Qualitative Analysis


Exp 13 – Analysis of Simple Water Soluble Salt