Garbage Mouth! / City Clean!

The ongoing monetary conversion from the franc to the euro is Tiffany's chosen topic this summer.  After laying the groundwork with some basic research, she has interviewed Monsieur Dragou, an officer of the Société Générale, WVU-V's own bank here in Les Sables.  Tiffany begins with an exercise in conversion from francs to euros, noting that some Frenchmen still speak in terms of "anciens francs", the unit used before the last conversion in 1960.  She then reviews the calendar of the conversion, noting the on December 31, 2001 all checks will be written in euros, not francs.  By February 2002, no coins or bills in francs will be accepted by merchants.  There are several reasons that the principal members of the European Union have decided to adopt a common currency, not the least of which is to avoid recalculation of prices each time goods cross the border of a member nation.  The French voted by referendum several years ago to approve this giant step, but some are still very reluctant to make the adjustment to a new money.
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This page last updated on 6/29/2001 4:11:10 PM.