
Nathalie Chevré (left), is one of the our most important friends in Les Sables.  It is she with whom we coordinate all our field trips and excursions.  As always one of our great concerns today is the menus for the meals during our full-day excursions (an equal concern every day for our host families).  Even after four years, some in our group continue to amaze our French hosts by our culinary "curiousness".  In a land where good food is one of the principal sources of pride, not all of us Americans are fully able to show our appreciation...  Judging from the past, I can predict that one third of our students will embrace the cuisine as the best in the world, one third will be tolerant but indifferent, and one third will have some significant difficulty with their diet while here.  Needless to say, yours truly was in the first third on his first trip to France.  It's one of the main reasons I keep coming back!!!
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This page last updated on 5/28/2001 12:32:06 PM.