A Chicken in Every Pot...

I've gone way over my time and energy today, but we do have one more visit this afternoon.  This one is to the home of another great Vendéen.  Most of you know that in 1944 the Allies landed in Normandy.  Many don't know that they also landed on the coast of the Mediterranean too.   The general who led the southern wing was also born right here.   He is the one who led his army east and who liberated Alsace and Lorraine, lost in 1870 when Clemenceau began his career.  Clemenceau died in 1929 with the idea that that 1918 had settled a few problems, but knowing that others would follow.  Hitler and 1940 were the worst possible of those fears realized.  We'll see later the story of Pétain, who signed with the Nazi's.  From this village General de Lattre de Tassigny did no such thing.  His work in the southern pinch in the Nazi's earned him a place beside Eisenhower at the table in 1945.  You see now why this is called the "Village of the Two Victories".



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This page last updated on 2005-06-07 7:09:42 PM.