West Virginia University in Vendée, France
The WVU-V email list

WVU-V now has an electronic discussion list which will allow us easily to share information, ideas, questions about the program.  The list will open to all sorts of input and in the future we hope past participants will continue to share their memories with those that will come after and to keep in touch with old friends (and professors).  The list can also be a way for parents and others to enjoy some of our excitement about this unique study abroad program.

Subscriptions will be by permission of either Michael Lastinger or Valérie Lastinger, but we intend to open it to all interested students and teachers of French.  To subscribe, simply send the following message (no subject and no other text) to listserv@wvu.edu :

You can then email all the members of the list at:  wvu-v@listserv.wvu.edu . 



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