"A Table!"  
Making a face ("une grimace") is not too nice, but that's not the problem.  Look carefully and you'll see that Alexander has put his bread on his plate.  That's a no no.  Bread should be placed on the table, above and to the side of the plate.  (See another note on this picture below).

While we're here, notice too the cloth "envelopes", one with a red pattern, the other green.  Since the French almost never use paper napkins and since the hostess will likely not do a wash between every meal, these individual designs allow each member of the household to identify his or her own napkin at the next meal.  This function is often filled by the napkin ring ("le rond de serviette"), again each with an individual design.  Silver napkin rings are often a gift to a new-born child, who is expected to use the ring the rest of his or her life.  Sometimes, when rings or envelopes are not available, an individual fold of the napkin can be used to identify it later.  In a house where a "vengeful" young person is charged with clearing the table, a napkin left unfolded may well be found tied in knots at the next meal.  It should also be noted that when one is a guest for a single meal, no rings or envelopes will be provided.  If you're invited as a guest for a single  meal, be sure not to fold up the napkin when dinner's over.  That could be taken as a sign that one intends to be around for the next repast!  (Back to top of page)