West Virginia University in Vendée, France

In the classroom by the sea...
June 10, 1998  

As we begin to settle in to our routine in Les Sables, we have our first session in the classroom at the Centre de Formation aux Métiers de la Mer.  Below, Fabrice Vendé, our computer specialist, initiates the WVU-Vendéens to the history of the modern micro-computer and its functions.  For a few  this is is a real initiation into the digital world, and for others it is a lesson in the vocabulary and language of computers as it is spoken in France.

The window of our classroom looks out over the central port of Les Sables.  Here Marjorie Martorella and Amanda Walker are more focused on the view coming from their computer screen.


Here, Fabrice shows the different cables, input, and network connections that keep the computers working.  Next year this lab will be upgraded and the network will be connected to the world wide web.  For the moment the computers are linked in a closed network.

Early risers among the group had already read the morning paper containing the report on the ceremony at the Mayor's office on Monday where the WVU-Vendéens were officially welcomed to Les Sables.  Unfortunately our arrival is upstaged by the first game of the World Cup of Soccer, held in Paris this year.

The editors were thus obliged to put the news on WVU-V on one of the inner pages...   The photo below was taken just outside the reception hall and features all the WVU-Vendéens along with dignitaries of the Mayor's office and Les Sables, as well as some members of our gracious host families.


 Stay tuned to WVU-V!

Go on to June 11, 1998.