Hard Hearts, Hard Rocks

Our next stop is at the CAIRN, a name that we can decipher.  First "cairn" is the French-Celtic word for a large mound of stones and earth surrounding a pre-historic burial site.  In more recent coinage, CAIRN stands for "Centre Archéologique d'Initiation aux Recherches sur le Néolithique"  (Center for the Archeological Initiation to Research on the Neolithic).

One of WVU-V's oldest friends is Joe Ferré, whom you see here.  Ask any one of our Vendéens and they will tell you...  He's a star!!!  We love him and he teaches us so much.  Here he's showing us how to make pre-historic tools of bone and stone, mainly flint.

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This page last updated on 6/9/2004 8:07:54 PM.