Blackminster, gray skies.

After lunch we cross the marsh on the road to Noirmoitier.  Not to our surprise, we are obstructed.  This road leads straight into the sea.  To the left you can see that there is an island out there.  We'll get there somehow.

The road we see here is called the "Gois", and the famous Tour de France has often used it as one of its paths.  As you see, its most important feature is that twice a day -- and every day -- it is covered by the rising tide.  The pole you see to the left is one of many strategically placed for the unwary who are caught here in a rising sea.  Thanks to these "balises," humans are almost always saved, but each year one or two cars are lost.  Clément, our driver again today, notes that his company lost a bus here a few years ago.

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This page last updated on 6/14/2001 7:46:03 PM.