Blackminster, gray skies.

Today, in the heart of the Breton Marshes of Vendée, we visit another time and place.  The "bourrine" you see here was inhabited by its mistress "Armandine" from the time of her birth in 1885 until 1970.  The first feature you may note is the thatched roof made of reeds taken from the nearby marshes.  The flowers and cacti growing on the crest of the roof have taken root in the clay placed there to seal the seam of the thatch.  They have the added advantage of  drinking up excess water the clay might absorb in rainy weather.  A roof of this design would typically last 25 years before it was replaced.  It was the work of each generation of adult men.
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This page last updated on 6/14/2001 7:46:03 PM.