Beowulf: Lines 229 to 606

[229] Êa of wealle geseah  weard Scildinga,
[230] se Ýe holmclifu  healdan scolde,
[231] beran ofer bolcan  beorhte randas,
[232] fyrdsearu fuslicu;  hine fyrwyt bræc
[233] modgehygdum,  hwæt Ýa men wæron.
[234] Gewat him Ýa to waro*e  wicge ridan
[235] Ýegn Hro*gares,  Ýrymmum cwehte
[236] mægenwudu mundum,  meÝelwordum frægn:
[237] "Hwæt syndon ge  searohæbbendra,
[238] byrnum werede,  Ýe Ýus brontne ceol
[239] ofer lagustræte  lædan cwomon,
[240] hider ofer holmasÊ   * * *   wæs
[241] endesæta,  ægwearde heold,
[242] Ýe on land Dena  la*ra nænig
[243] mid scipherge  sce*Ýan ne meahte.
[244] No her cu*licor  cuman ongunnon
[245] lindhæbbende;  ne ge leafnesword
[246] gu*fremmendra  gearwe ne wisson,
[247] maga gemedu.  Næfre ic maran geseah
[248] eorla ofer eorÝan  *onne is eower sum,
[249] secg on searwum;  nis Ýæt seldguma,
[250] wæpnum geweor*ad,  næfne him his wlite leoge,
[251] ænlic ansyn.  Nu ic eower sceal
[252] frumcyn witan,  ær ge fyr heonan,
[253] leassceaweras,  on land Dena
[254] furÝur feran.  Nu ge feorbuend,
[255] mereli*ende,  minne gehyra*
[256] anfealdne geÝoht: Ofost is selest
[257] to gecy*anne  hwanan eowre cyme syndon."
<Fitt 4
[258] Him se yldesta  ondswarode,
[259] werodes wisa,  wordhord onleac:
[260] "We synt gumcynnes  Geata leode
[261] ond Higelaces  heor*geneatas.
[262] min fæder  folcum gecyÝed,
[263] æÝele ordfruma,  EcgÝeow haten.
[264] Gebad wintra worn,  ær he on weg hwurfe,
[265] gamol of geardum;  hine gearwe geman
[266] witena welhwylc  wide geond eorÝan.
[267] We Ýurh holdne hige  hlaford Ýinne,
[268] sunu Healfdenes,  secean cwomon,
[269] leodgebyrgean;  wes Ýu us larena god.
[270] Habba* we to Ýæm mæran  micel ærende,
[271] Deniga frean,  ne sceal Ýær dyrne sum
[272] wesan, Ýæs ic wene.  Êu wast (gif hit is
[273] swa we soÝlice  secgan hyrdon)
[274] Ýæt mid Scyldingum  scea*ona ic nat hwylc,
[275] deogol dædhata,  deorcum nihtum
[276] eawe* Ýurh egsan  uncu*ne ni*,
[277] hyn*u ond hrafyl.  Ic Ýæs Hro*gar mæg
[278] Ýurh rumne sefan  ræd gelæran,
[279] hu he frod ond god  feond oferswy*eÝ,
[280] gyf him edwendan  æfre scolde
[281] bealuwa bisigu,  bot eft cuman,
[282] ond Ýa cearwylmas  colran wur*aÝ;
[283] a syÝ*an  earfo*Ýrage,
[284] Ýreanyd Ýola*,  Ýenden Ýær wuna*
[285] on heahstede  husa selest."
[286] Weard maÝelode,  *ær on wicge sæt,
[287] ombeht unforht: "AEghwæÝres sceal
[288] scearp scyldwiga  gescad witan,
[289] worda ond worca,  se Ýe wel Ýence*.
[290] Ic Ýæt gehyre,  Ýæt Ýis is hold weorod
[291] frean Scyldinga.  GewitaÝ for* beran
[292] wæpen ond gewædu;  ic eow wisige.

ll. 229-292: Matt, translator; ______, presenter

Then from the walls of the Scyldings, watchmen who should guard the seacliffs, saw bright boss of shields bore over a gangway of the shore, armor ready;  Curiosity pressed him in thought, of who the men were.  The thane of Hrothgar rode on his horse to the shore, mightily bradishing a main-wood in his hands, with formal worgs asked them:  "What are you, warriors clothed in coat of mail, who thus brought a high ship over the sea-road, come hither over sea water?  Behold, I after a while, was one stationed at the extremity of the territory, held watch by the sea, so no one of hostile (nature) with ships, might not raid on the land of the Danes. Never (have) warriors openly undertaken to come here, not at all (did) you know of permission, from the warriors, consent of the kinsmen.  I never saw more of an earl over the earth than is yours, a man in war-gear.  That is no hall-man, become of weapons, unique appearance, unless his appearance belie him.  Now I shall know (learn)  your lineage before you go further, deceitful observers in the land of the Danes.  Now you far-dwellers, seafarers hear my one-fold thoughts, It is best (to) hastespeed make known whence you have come." 

To him the eldest answered, sthe leader of the band unlocked the word-hoard: "We are men of the tribe of Geats and Higelac's hearth-companions.  My father was well known by the folk, a noble leader called Ecgtheow.  He lived many winters before he went away, an aged (man) from dwellings.  Every wise man remenbers him well, wide throughout the earth.  Through friendly mind , we come to visit thine lord, son of the Healfdanes, protector of the people; (Give us) good instruction.  We have a great (for) message the famous lord of the Danes.  I think there should not (be) some secrets. (You) know if it is truely thus.  I say I have heard, that amoung the Scyldings I know not one who does harm, doer of secret hatred deeds, unknown violence in a terrible mannor, in dark nights injury and slaughter.  In a roomy heart (give) advice to Hrothgar, who he, wise and good, over-power the fiend.  If turning back ever should come to him, relief of the evil affliction and seething of sorrows, come to pass to cool.  Or since they suffer distress, while the best of houses stay in a lofty place." 

The guard spoke (from) where he sat upon the horse, brave servant:  "A sharp shield-warrior, who thinks well shall understand each of two, word and works.  I hear that this is a friendly band to the land of the Scyldings. Go forth bearing weapons and war-gear.  I (will) show the way to you. 


x[293] Swylce ic maguÝegnas  mine hate
[294] wi* feonda gehwone  flotan eowerne,
[295] niwtyrwydne  nacan on sande
[296] arum healdan,  oÝ*æt eft byre*
[297] ofer lagustreamas  leofne mannan
[298] wudu wundenhals  to Wedermearce,
[299] godfremmendra  swylcum gifeÝe bi*
[300] Ýæt Ýone hilderæs  hal gedige*."
[301] Gewiton him Ýa feran.  Flota stille bad,
[302] seomode on sale  sidfæÝmed scip,
[303] on ancre fæst.  Eoforlic scionon
[304] ofer hleorberan  gehroden golde,
[305] fah ond fyrheard;  ferhwearde heold
[306] guÝmod grimmon.  Guman onetton,
[307] sigon ætsomne,  oÝÝæt hy sæl timbred,
[308] geatolic ond goldfah,  ongyton mihton;
[309] Ýæt wæs foremærost  foldbuendum
[310] receda under roderum,  on Ýæm se rica bad;
[311] lixte se leoma  ofer landa fela.
[312] Him Ýa hildedeor  hof modigra
[313] torht getæhte,  Ýæt hie him to mihton
[314] gegnum gangan;  gu*beorna sum
[315] wicg gewende,  word æfter cwæ*:
[316] "Mæl is me to feran;  fæder alwalda
[317] mid arstafum  eowic gehealde
[318] si*a gesunde.  Ic to sæ wille
[319] wi* wra* werod  wearde healdan."
<Fitt 5
[320] Stræt wæs stanfah,  stig wisode
[321] gumum ætgædere.  Gu*byrne scan
[322] heard hondlocen,  hringiren scir
[323] song in searwum,  Ýa hie to sele fur*um
[324] in hyra gryregeatwum  gangan cwomon.
[325] Setton sæmeÝe  side scyldas,
[326] rondas regnhearde,  wi* Ýæs recedes weal,
[327] bugon Ýa to bence.  Byrnan hringdon,
[328] gu*searo gumena;  garas stodon,
[329] sæmanna searo,  samod ætgædere,
[330] æscholt ufan græg;  wæs se irenÝreat
[331] wæpnum gewurÝad.  Êa *ær wlonc hæle*
[332] oretmecgas  æfter æÝelum frægn:
[333] "Hwanon ferigea* ge  fætte scyldas,
[334] græge syrcan  ond grimhelmas,
[335] heresceafta heapÊ  Ic eom Hro*gares
[336] ar ond ombiht.  Ne seah ic elÝeodige
[337] Ýus manige men  modiglicran.
[338] Wen ic Ýæt ge for wlenco,  nalles for wræcsi*um,
[339] ac for higeÝrymmum  Hro*gar sohton."
[340] Him Ýa ellenrof  andswarode,
[341] wlanc Wedera leod,  word æfter spræc,
[342] heard under helme: "We synt Higelaces
[343] beodgeneatas;  Beowulf is min nama.
[344] Wille ic asecgan  sunu Healfdenes,
[345] mærum Ýeodne,  min ærende,
[346] aldre Ýinum,  gif he us geunnan wile
[347] Ýæt we hine swa godne  gretan moton."
[348] Wulfgar maÝelode  (Ýæt wæs Wendla leod;
[349] his modsefa  manegum gecy*ed,
[350] wig ond wisdom): "Ic Ýæs wine Deniga,
[351] frean Scildinga,  frinan wille,
[352] beaga bryttan,  swa Ýu bena eart,
[353] Ýeoden mærne,  ymb Ýinne si*,
[354] ond Ýe Ýa ondsware  ædre gecy*an
[355] *e me se goda  agifan Ýence*."

ll. 293-355: Erin, translator; ______, presenter

  [293]I will also bid my men to guard your boat honorably against all  enemies--the new tarred vessel on the sand--until the wooden ship with  the curved prow again bears beloved men to the Geatish land, one who  acts bravely will be allowed to pass through the storm of battle  unhurt." 

  [301]Then he departed--the boat remained fixed, the roomy ship rested on  the rope, firm at anchor.  Boar figures shone on helmets decorated in  gold and fire-hardened--the warlike boar kept guard over the fierce  ones.  Men hastened, marched together until they saw the timbered hall  adorned with gold; that was the most famous of halls of men under heaven  in which the powerful dwell, the light shone over many lands.  Then he,  brave in battle, pointed out the bright house of the brave, that they  might go straight to it, the warrior turned his horse, then spoke  [these] words:  "It is suitable time for me to return; Lord Father keep  you kindly safe.  I will guard against hostile company at sea. 

  [320]The street was paved, the path guided men together.  War-corslet  shone, bright iron rings, hard locked by hand, rang forth on armor when  they first came to the hall in their war-equipment.  Sea-weary they sat  down large shields, wondrously strong, against the edge of the  building's wall.  Then they sat down on the bench, men's armor clanged;  spears stood together, seamen's weapons, grey at the top.  The armed  troop was exhaulted with weapons. 

  [332]Then there a proud warrior asked the warriors after their lineage.  Whence do you bear those ornamented shields, grey mail shirts and grim  helms, multitude of battle-shafts?  I am Hrothgar's messenger and  servant. I have not seen this many brave foreign men.  I think that it  is for pride, not at all for misery but for greatness of heart you seek  Hrothgar."  Brave one then answered, the pride of the Geats, strong  under cover, spoke words  "We are Higlac's table-companions; Beowulf is  my name.  I wish to tell my message to the son of Healfdene, the famous  prince, if he the good one would let us greet him.Wulfgar spoke--that  was a Wendel man, his bold mind known to many, [for] valor and wisdom, I  will ask King Scild, lord of the Danes, the ring-giver, as you ask,  [will ask] the glorious chief about thy journey and will early make  known what thought the good man gives me." 

[[356] Hwearf Ýa hrædlice  Ýær Hro*gar sæt
[357] eald ond anhar  mid his eorla gedriht;
[358] eode ellenrof,  Ýæt he for eaxlum gestod
[359] Deniga frean;  cuÝe he dugu*e Ýeaw.
[360] Wulfgar ma*elode  to his winedrihtne:
[361] "Her syndon geferede,  feorran cumene
[362] ofer geofenes begang  Geata leode;
[363] Ýone yldestan  oretmecgas
[364] Beowulf nemna*.  Hy benan synt
[365] Ýæt hie, Ýeoden min,  wi* Ýe moton
[366] wordum wrixlan.  No *u him wearne geteoh
[367] *inra gegncwida,  glædman Hro*gar.
[368] Hy on wiggetawum  wyr*e Ýincea*
[369] eorla geæhtlan;  huru se aldor deah,
[370] se Ýæm hea*orincum  hider wisade."
<Fitt 6
[371] Hro*gar maÝelode,  helm Scyldinga:
[372] "Ic hine cu*e  cnihtwesende.
[373] his ealdfæder  EcgÝeo haten,
[374] *æm to ham forgeaf  HreÝel Geata
[375] angan dohtor;  is his eafora nu
[376] heard her cumen,  sohte holdne wine.
[377] Îonne sægdon Ýæt  sæliÝende,
[378] Ýa *e gifsceattas  Geata fyredon
[379] Ýyder to Ýance,  Ýæt he Ýritiges
[380] manna mægencræft  on his mundgripe
[381] heaÝorof hæbbe.  Hine halig god
[382] for arstafum  us onsende,
[383] to Westdenum,  Ýæs ic wen hæbbe,
[384] wi* Grendles gryre.  Ic Ýæm godan sceal
[385] for his modÝræce  madmas beodan.
[386] Beo *u on ofeste,  hat in gan
[387] seon sibbegedriht  samod ætgædere;
[388] gesaga him eac wordum  Ýæt hie sint wilcuman
[389] Deniga leodum."    * * *
[390] % * * *     word inne abead:
[391] "Eow het secgan  sigedrihten min,
[392] aldor Eastdena,  Ýæt he eower æÝelu can,
[393] ond ge him syndon  ofer sæwylmas
[394] heardhicgende  hider wilcuman.
[395] Nu ge moton gangan  in eowrum gu*geatawum
[396] under heregriman  Hro*gar geseon;
[397] læta* hildebord  her onbidan,
[398] wudu, wælsceaftas,  worda geÝinges."
[399] Aras Ýa se rica,  ymb hine rinc manig,
[400] Ýry*lic Ýegna heap;  sume Ýær bidon,
[401] hea*oreaf heoldon,  swa him se hearda bebead.
[402] Snyredon ætsomne,  Ýa secg wisode,
[403] under Heorotes hrof    * * *
[404] heard under helme,  Ýæt he on heo*e gestod.
[405] Beowulf ma*elode  (on him byrne scan,
[406] searonet seowed  smiÝes orÝancum):
[407] "Wæs Ýu, Hro*gar, hal!  Ic eom Higelaces
[408] ond mago*egn;  hæbbe ic mær*a fela
[409] ongunnen on geogoÝe.  Me wear* Grendles Ýing
[410] on minre eÝeltyrf  undyrne cu*;
[411] secga* sæli*end  Ýæt Ýæs sele stande,
[412] reced selesta,  rinca gehwylcum
[413] idel ond unnyt,  si**an æfenleoht
[414] under heofenes hador  beholen weorÝe*.
[415] Êa me Ýæt gelærdon  leode mine
[416] Ýa selestan,  snotere ceorlas,
[417] Ýeoden Hro*gar,  Ýæt ic Ýe sohte,
[418] forÝan hie mægenes cræft  minne cuÝon,

ll. 356-418: Stephen, translator; ______, presenter

[wulfgar] then turned quickly to where hrothgar sat
old and hoary with his band of retainers
walked stoutly so that he by shoulders stood
with the lord of the danes
he knew retainer's custom
wulfgar spoke to his lord
"here are journeyed come from far
over ocean's expanse the men of Geats'
warfighters call the eldest one Beowulf
. . . . .       they are asking
that they, my chief, might
exchange words with you; you give them no refusal
of your answers gracious Hrothgar!
because of (on account of)their war-equipment they seem worthy
of men's respect; indeed the chief (be good??)
(he) who the soldiers led hither.
hrothgar spoke, helm of scyldings:
"i knew him being a boy;
his old father was called Ecgtheo,
he gave his only daughter, hrethel of geats, towards home(?????);
Ecgtheo's heir is now hardly come here (having?) sought a loyal friend.
furthermore, seafarers said it,
they who ferried gift-coins for geats
thither in thanks, that he has thirty
men's main-strength in his hand grip
battle famed. holy god
in kindness has sent him to us
to west-danes, of that i have hope
against grendle's terror. i shall
offer treasures to the good man for his daring.
be you in haste order to go in
to see the kinsmen-band grouped together;
tell them too in words that they are welcome
in among the danish people.
then wulfgar went to the door announced from the door:
"To you my victory lord, leader of east-danes, commands to say
that he knows your lineage
and you are, to him, hither welcome
hard-minded over sea-wellings.
now you may go in your war gear
under armour-masks to see hrothgar;
let shields and death-shafts of wood remain here."
the mighty man arose then, many warriors about him,
sturdy heap of thanes; some waited there
guarded war-gear, as the leader bade them.
they hastened together, a man guided them,
under heorot's roof; the warrior walked
hard under helm, so that he stood in the hall.
beowulf spoke, byrnie shown on him,
armour-net woven by(with) the smith's artifice:
hail to you, hrothgar! i am higelac's kinsman and thane;
i have undertaken many great deeds in youth.
to me grendl's tricks became clearly known on my native turf;
seafarers say that this hall, (this) finest building for all warriors
stands idle and useless, when evening-light goes
hidden under heaven's brightness.
then my people, the best ones, wise-minded men,
advised me (so)that i sought you, chieftain hrothgar,
because they knew my strength's power.


[419] selfe ofersawon,  *a ic of searwum cwom,
[420] fah from feondum;  Ýær ic fife geband,
[421] y*de eotena cyn  ond on y*um slog
[422] niceras nihtes,  nearoÝearfe dreah,
[423] wræc Wedera ni*  (wean ahsodon),
[424] forgrand gramum,  ond nu wi* Grendel sceal,
[425] wi* Ýam aglæcan,  ana gehegan
[426] *ing wi* Ýyrse.  Ic Ýe nu *a,
[427] brego Beorhtdena,  biddan wille,
[428] eodor Scyldinga,  anre bene,
[429] Ýæt *u me ne forwyrne,  wigendra hleo,
[430] freowine folca,  nu ic Ýus feorran com,
[431] Ýæt ic mote ana  ond minra eorla gedryht,
[432] Ýes hearda heap,  Heorot fælsian.
[433] Hæbbe ic eac geahsod  Ýæt se æglæca
[434] for his wonhydum  wæpna ne recce*.
[435] Ic Ýæt Ýonne forhicge  (swa me Higelac sie,
[436] min mondrihten,  modes bli*e),
[437] Ýæt ic sweord bere  oÝ*e sidne scyld,
[438] geolorand to guÝe,  ac ic mid grape sceal
[439] fon wi* feonde  ond ymb feorh sacan,
[440] la* wi* laÝum;  *ær gelyfan sceal
[441] dryhtnes dome  se Ýe hine dea* nime*.
[442] Wen ic Ýæt he wille,  gif he wealdan mot,
[443] in Ýæm gu*sele  Geotena leode
[444] etan unforhte,  swa he oft dyde,
[445] mægen Hre*manna.  Na Ýu minne Ýearft
[446] hafalan hydan,  ac he me habban wile
[447] dreore fahne,  gif mec dea* nime*.
[448] Byre* blodig wæl,  byrgean Ýence*,
[449] ete* angenga  unmurnlice,
[450] mearca* morhopu;  no *u ymb mines ne Ýearft
[451] lices feorme  leng sorgian.
[452] Onsend Higelace,  gif mec hild nime,
[453] beaduscruda betst,  Ýæt mine breost were*,
[454] hrægla selest;  Ýæt is Hrædlan laf,
[455] Welandes geweorc.  Gæ* a wyrd swa hio scel."
<Fitt 7
[456] Hro*gar maÝelode,  helm Scyldinga:
[457] "For gewyrhtum Ýu,  wine min Beowulf,
[458] ond for arstafum  usic sohtest.
[459] Gesloh Ýin fæder  fæh*e mæste;
[460] wearÝ he HeaÝolafe  to handbonan
[461] mid Wilfingum;  *a hine Wedera cyn
[462] for herebrogan  habban ne mihte.
[463] Êanon he gesohte  Su*dena folc
[464] ofer y*a gewealc,  Arscyldinga.
[465] Îa ic furÝum weold  folce Deniga
[466] ond on geogo*e heold  ginne rice,
[467] hordburh hæleÝa;  *a wæs Heregar dead,
[468] min yldra mæg  unlifigende,
[469] bearn Healfdenes;  se wæs betera *onne ic.
[470] Si**an Ýa fæh*e  feo Ýingode;
[471] sende ic Wylfingum  ofer wæteres hrycg
[472] ealde madmas;  he me aÝas swor.
[473] Sorh is me to secganne  on sefan minum
[474] gumena ængum  hwæt me Grendel hafa*
[475] hyn*o on Heorote  mid his heteÝancum,
[476] færni*a gefremed.  Is min fletwerod,
[477] wigheap gewanod;  hie wyrd forsweop
[478] on Grendles gryre.  God eaÝe mæg
[479] Ýone dolscea*an  dæda getwæfan.
[480] Ful oft gebeotedon  beore druncne
[481] ofer ealowæge  oretmecgas
[482] Ýæt hie in beorsele  bidan woldon
[483] Grendles guÝe  mid gryrum ecga.


ll. 419-483: Eddie, translator; ______, presenter

  ... myself looked on, then I came from battles, hostile from foes, there I  bound [five/monsters] destroyed giant's race, and on the seas slew water  monsters [by] night, I suffered severe distress, avenged the persecution of  the Weder-Geats --  courted trouble -- crushed my enemies; and now against Grendel shall, against  the wretch, perform this thing alone against the demon.  I now, then, request  one favor of you, Chief of the Bright-Danes, Protector of the Scyldings, that  you will not refuse me, Protector of warriors, that now I have thus come from  afar, that my band of warriors, this brave company and I, be allowed to purge  Heorot.  

   I have also heard that the monster, because of his recklessness, discounts  weapons;  I that [weapons] then scorn, so that for me Higelac, my Lord, be of  joyful  spirit, that I bear sword or great shield, or yellow shield to war, I too  shall with grip grapple against the fiend and concerning life contend, loath  against foes;  there shall I resign myself to God's judgement, he who takes  death.  

    I expect that he [Grendel] shall, if he can manage it, eat fearlessly in  the battle-hall of the Geatish people, as he often did, strength of the Geats.  You will never need to hide my head [ie. perform funeral rites] but he will  hold me, dripping blood shining, if death takes me; bringing a bloody corpse,  he intends to eat, the lone-goer eats ruthlessly, stains the moor retreat; No  longer sorrow about the sustenance of my body.  Send to Higelac, if battle  takes me, the best of my war-garments of the best mail, that protects my  breast; that is Hrethel's heirloom, Wayland' work.  Fate always goes as she  shall!  

    Hrothgar made a speech:  "Because of deeds done and on account of favors you sought us out, thou, my  friend Beowulf. Your father brought about by fight the greatesr of feuds, he  became a man of the tribe as a hand-slayer among the Wylfings; then he might  not keep the Weder-Geats out of war-terror.  Thence he sought out the South-  Danish Folk, over the rolling sea, of the Ar-Scyldings.  When I first ['a  short time ago'] ruled the Danish Folk and in youth held a wide kingdom,  treasure-city of heroes; then was Heregar dead, my elder kinsman lifeless,  Halfdene's son; he was better than I!  

   Thereupon I settled the feud with riches; I sent time-honored treasures to  the Wylfings from the water's ridge; they swore oaths to me.  It sorrows me to  say, in my heart of any man's, what humiliation Grendel has [caused] me in  Heorot with his hateful thoughts, accomplishment of sudden affliction;  My  hall-troop, band of warriors, is wasted; their fate swept away in Grendel's  terror.  God could easily hinder the deeds of the desperate foe!  Often  warriors boasted, beer drunk over the ale-cup, that they would wait for  Grendel's attack in the beer-hall with grim swords.  


[484] Îonne wæs Ýeos medoheal  on morgentid,
[485] drihtsele dreorfah,  Ýonne dæg lixte,
[486] eal bencÝelu  blode bestymed,
[487] heall heorudreore;  ahte ic holdra Ýy læs,
[488] deorre dugu*e,  Ýe Ýa dea* fornam.
[489] Site nu to symle  ond onsæl meoto,
[490] sigehre* secgum,  swa Ýin sefa hwette."
[491] Êa wæs Geatmæcgum  geador ætsomne
[492] on beorsele  benc gerymed;
[493] Ýær swi*ferhÝe  sittan eodon,
[494] Ýry*um dealle.  Êegn nytte beheold,
[495] se Ýe on handa bær  hroden ealowæge,
[496] scencte scir wered.  Scop hwilum sang
[497] hador on Heorote.  Êær wæs hæle*a dream,
[498] dugu* unlytel  Dena ond Wedera.
<Fitt 8
[499] Unfer* maÝelode,  Ecglafes bearn,
[500] Ýe æt fotum sæt  frean Scyldinga,
[501] onband beadurune  (wæs him Beowulfes si*,
[502] modges merefaran,  micel æfÝunca,
[503] forÝon Ýe he ne uÝe  Ýæt ænig o*er man
[504] æfre mær*a Ýon ma  middangeardes
[505] gehedde under heofenum  Ýonne he sylfa):
[506] "Eart Ýu se Beowulf,  se Ýe wi* Brecan wunne,
[507] on sidne sæ  ymb sund flite,
[508] *ær git for wlence  wada cunnedon
[509] ond for dolgilpe  on deop wæter
[510] aldrum neÝdonÊ  Ne inc ænig mon,
[511] ne leof ne la*,  belean mihte
[512] sorhfullne si*,  Ýa git on sund reon.
[513] Êær git eagorstream  earmum Ýehton,
[514] mæton merestræta,  mundum brugdon,
[515] glidon ofer garsecg;  geofon yÝum weol,
[516] wintrys wylmum.  Git on wæteres æht
[517] seofon niht swuncon;  he Ýe æt sunde oferflat,
[518] hæfde mare mægen.  Êa hine on morgentid
[519] on HeaÝoræmas  holm up ætbær;
[520] *onon he gesohte  swæsne e*el,
[521] leof his leodum,  lond Brondinga,
[522] freo*oburh fægere,  Ýær he folc ahte,
[523] burh ond beagas.  Beot eal wi* Ýe
[524] sunu Beanstanes  so*e gelæste.
[525] Îonne wene ic to Ýe  wyrsan geÝingea,
[526] *eah Ýu hea*oræsa  gehwær dohte,
[527] grimre gu*e,  gif Ýu Grendles dearst
[528] nihtlongne fyrst  nean bidan."
[529] Beowulf maÝelode,  bearn EcgÝeowes:
[530] "Hwæt! Ýu worn fela,  wine min Unfer*,
[531] beore druncen  ymb Brecan spræce,
[532] sægdest from his si*e.  So* ic talige,
[533] Ýæt ic merestrengo  maran ahte,
[534] earfeÝo on yÝum,  *onne ænig oÝer man.
[535] Wit Ýæt gecwædon  cnihtwesende
[536] ond gebeotedon  (wæron begen Ýa git
[537] on geogo*feore)  Ýæt wit on garsecg ut
[538] aldrum ne*don,  ond Ýæt geæfndon swa.
[539] Hæfdon swurd nacod,  Ýa wit on sund reon,
[540] heard on handa;  wit unc wi* hronfixas
[541] werian Ýohton.  No he wiht fram me
[542] flodyÝum feor  fleotan meahte,
[543] hraÝor on holme,  no ic fram him wolde.
[544] Îa wit ætsomne  on sæ wæron
[545] fif nihta fyrst,  oÝÝæt unc flod todraf,
[546] wado weallende,  wedera cealdost,
[547] nipende niht,  ond norÝanwind
[548] hea*ogrim ondhwearf;  hreo wæron yÝa.
[549] merefixa  mod onhrered;
[550] Ýær me wi* la*um  licsyrce min,
[551] heard, hondlocen,  helpe gefremede,
[552] beadohrægl broden  on breostum læg
[553] golde gegyrwed.  Me to grunde teah
[554] fah feondsca*a,  fæste hæfde
[555] grim on grape;  hwæÝre me gyfeÝe wear*
[556] Ýæt ic aglæcan  orde geræhte,
[557] hildebille;  heaÝoræs fornam
[558] mihtig meredeor  Ýurh mine hand.


ll. 484-548: Bharati, translator; ______, presenter

Then in the morning, when the day lightened,
this splendid hall was stained with gore,
all the bench-planks wet with blood,
hall itself filled with the battle-blood; I had the fewer
of the faithful fighters, dear companions, whom death had taken.
Sit now to feast and unbind your thoughts
of the glory of victory, just as your mind urges.

        Then for the men of Geats all together
a bench was cleared in the beer-hall;
there the brave went to sit, proud in their might.
A thane did his duty, who in his hands bore the adorned
poured out the bright, sweet drink.
At times a scop sang in Heorot.
There was rejoicing of warriors,
no little company of Danes and Weder-Geats.

        Unferth spoke, son of Ecglaf,
who sat at the feet of the Scylding's lord,
unbinding the battle-Rune -- the coming of Beowulf,
the brave seafarer, was to him a great vexation,
for he didn't wish that any other man should
ever achieve more glory in the middle-earth
under the heavens than himself  -- :

"Are you that Beowulf, the one who contended with Breca,
competed in swimming about in the broad sea,
where for pride you explored the water,
and for foolish boast ventured your lives in the deep?
Nor might any man, friend nor enemy, keep you
from the sorrowful venture of swimming in the sea;
There you covered the sea-streams with your arms,
measured the sea-paths, flung your hands forward,
glided over the ocean; the sea surged with waves,
with winter's swell.
You toiled in the water's power for seven nights;
He overcame you at swimming,
had more strength. Then in the morning
the sea bore him up among the Heatho-Raemes;
thence he sought his own native land,
dear to his people, the land of the Brondingas,
fair stronghold, where he had folk,
castle and treasures.  All his boasts against you
the son of Beanstan truly carried out.
Therefore I expect the worse results for you,
--though you have prevailed everywhere in the storm of battles, in grim
fight, -- if you dare wait near Grendel
a night-long space.

        Beowulf spoke, the son of Ecgtheow:
"Well, my friend Unferth, you, flushed with beer drinking,
have spoken a great many things concerning Breca,
told about his adventures! I claim the truth,
that I had more strength in the sea,
hardship in the waves, than any other man.
While still being boys, we had agreed
and boasted -- we were both then
in our youth -- that we would venture
our lives in the sea, and that carried out even so.
We had naked swords, strong in our hands,
when we went swimming; we thought  to protect
ourselves against the whales. He could not float far from me
in the flood-waves, be quicker in the water, nor would I
move away from him.
Thus we were together in the sea
for the time of five nights, until the flood drove us asunder,
the swelling sea, coldest of weathers,
darkening night, and the battle-grim
northwind turned against us; rough were the waves.

<Fitt 9
[559] Swa mec gelome  la*geteonan
[560] Ýreatedon Ýearle.  Ic him Ýenode
[561] deoran sweorde,  swa hit gedefe wæs.
[562] hie *ære fylle  gefean hæfdon,
[563] manfordædlan,  Ýæt hie me Ýegon,
[564] symbel ymbsæton  sægrunde neah;
[565] ac on mergenne  mecum wunde
[566] be y*lafe  uppe lægon,
[567] sweordum aswefede,  Ýæt sy*Ýan na
[568] ymb brontne ford  brimli*ende
[569] lade ne letton.  Leoht eastan com,
[570] beorht beacen godes;  brimu swaÝredon,
[571] Ýæt ic sænæssas  geseon mihte,
[572] windige weallas.  Wyrd oft nere*
[573] unfægne eorl,  Ýonne his ellen deah.
[574] HwæÝere me gesælde  Ýæt ic mid sweorde ofsloh
[575] niceras nigene.  No ic on niht gefrægn
[576] under heofones hwealf  heardran feohtan,
[577] ne on egstreamum  earmran mannon;
[578] hwaÝere ic fara feng  feore gedigde,
[579] siÝes werig.  Îa mec sæ oÝbær,
[580] flod æfter faro*e  on Finna land,
[581] wadu weallendu.  No ic wiht fram Ýe
[582] swylcra searoni*a  secgan hyrde,
[583] billa brogan.  Breca næfre git
[584] æt hea*olace,  ne gehwæÝer incer,
[585] swa deorlice  dæd gefremede
[586] fagum sweordum  (no ic Ýæs fela gylpe),
[587] Ýeah *u Ýinum bro*rum  to banan wurde,
[588] heafodmægum;  Ýæs Ýu in helle scealt
[589] werh*o dreogan,  Ýeah Ýin wit duge.
[590] Secge ic Ýe to so*e,  sunu Ecglafes,
[591] Ýæt næfre Grendel swa fela  gryra gefremede,
[592] atol æglæca,  ealdre Ýinum,
[593] hyn*o on Heorote,  gif Ýin hige wære,
[594] sefa swa searogrim,  swa Ýu self talast.
[595] Ac he hafa* onfunden  Ýæt he Ýa fæh*e ne Ýearf,
[596] atole ecgÝræce  eower leode
[597] swi*e onsittan,  Sigescyldinga;
[598] nyme* nydbade,  nænegum ara*
[599] leode Deniga,  ac he lust wige*,
[600] swefe* ond sendeÝ,  secce ne weneÝ
[601] to Gardenum.  Ac ic him Geata sceal
[602] eafo* ond ellen  ungeara nu,
[603] guÝe gebeodan.  GæÝ eft se Ýe mot
[604] to medo modig,  siÝÝan morgenleoht
[605] ofer ylda bearn  oÝres dogores,
[606] sunne sweglwered  suÝan scine*."


ll. 549-606: Mary Ellen, translator; ______, presenter

In this week's issue Beowulf the Geat continues to defend his honor:

"The ocean monsters were aroused in anger; There against the enemies my hard handlinked body armor, woven mailshirt adorned with gold, laying upon my breast, provided me with help.  The hostile fiend who harms had me firmly and fiercely in hand and drew me to the bottom; However, it became granted me that I hit the terrible one with sword point; Through my hand, the battle's rush took off the mighty sea beast.

"Thus the evil doer frequently pressed me severely.  I served him the glorious sword as it was fitting.  By no means had they, wicked destroyers, their feast of joy, banquet round, that they partook from me close to the sea bottom; But in morning by swords wounds above the tide line (they) lie, put to sleep by swords, that afterwards no seafarer's passage through the waterway be hindered.

" Light from the East came, bright sign of God, water subsided, that I might see the headland, the windy high shore.  Fate often saves the undoomed man, when his courage is glorious!  However that may be, befell me, that I, with sword, slew nine watermonsters.

"I hear not at night under the vault of heaven, nor in the water stream, a harder pressed man.  Yet I escaped my life from the grasp of hostiles of weary undertaking.  Then the sea, surging waters, flood along current, bore me off to the land of the Finns.  I hear of nothing concerning to tell of such terror of the sword.  Neither Brecca nor you, though your intelligience be good, ever yet at battle accomplished deeds with shining swords -- I of this would not boast much-- although you, your brothers, near relatives, prove a source as slayer; for that you shall endure damnation in Hell.

"I say to thee truth, Son of Ecglaf, that Grendel, terrible monster never perform so much horror against your lord, harm against Herot, were your resolve yet so fierce in conflict as you yourself tells;  But he (Grendel) has found no need to very much dread the terrible swordstorm of the Danish army, people of yours(eower leode????);  He seizes the toll, spares no people of the Danes, thinks of no quarrel with the Bright-Danes, but carries pleasure as he kills and feasts.  But I, Beowulf of the Geats, shall before long now, offer strength and courage in war.  Before one more day goes, when morning light, sunclad in radiance, over the child of man shines from the south, we will be allowed to mead high-spirited."

AARRGHHH! I do believe the previous week's assignment was a bit nicer-- frustration level was high on those last 10 lines or so-- it really is a big jump from 37 to 57 lines!!