Jorge Flores
Faculty & Research
Jorge A. Flores


Ph.D. 1986, The George Washington University


Mammalian Reproductive Physiology, Follicular Development and Corpus Luteum Physiology.

My research focuses on several aspects of reproductive physiology. One goal is to elucidate the role that endothelin-1 (ET-1) plays in luteal physiology. We have examined the genes of the ET system, which are targets for regulation by prostaglandin F-2-alpha (PGF2a). Luteal sensitivity to ET-1 is primarily achieved by modulating the expression of the ET-1 gene. Consequently, we are blocking the action of ET-1 as a means of interfering with the luteal ET system in order to test its physiological role(s) in vivo.

We are also examining the possibility that differential expression of protein kinase C (PKCe) might be part of the mechanism responsible for the insensitivity of the early corpus luteum (CL) to the luteolytic actions of PGF2a. The bovine CL has commonality with the human CL not only in that PGF 2a is a luteolysin, but also that luteal synthesis of PGF2a may be important in luteolysis. Thus, my research will contribute to a greater understanding of human reproductive physiology.

Course Links:

Biology 441 Vertebrate Microanatomy

Biology 117