Stephen DiFazio
Faculty & Research
Stephen DiFazio

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. 2002, Oregon State University


Plant Genomics, Molecular Ecology, Plant Population Genetics, Biotechnology Risk Assessment

My overall research goal is to use the power of genomics to gain enhanced understanding of natural ecosystems.  Trees from the genus Populus are premier model organisms for studies of adaptive molecular variation, because abundant genetic resources are available, including a whole genome sequence, and Populus plays a dominant role in many important ecosystems.  I am actively involved in the Populus genome sequencing project, as well as sequencing projects for other species that are associated with Populus in wild populations.  As our knowledge of the function of individual genes increases, and high-throughput genotyping techniques continue on their rapid pace of development, it will become possible to characterize molecular variation in natural populations and map adaptive diversity on a landscape scale. 

 I am also interested in functional genomics of Populus and other species with the ultimate goal of enhancing economic and environmental utility. For example, I am currently involved in several projects aimed at enhancing the carbon sequestration potential of Populus by identifying genes involved in allocation and partitioning of carbon. I believe that multiple approaches are required for gene discovery and characterization in forest trees, and that biotechnology will have drastic effects on tree improvement and large-scale silviculture.

 As biotechnological methods continue to develop, and transgenic trees approach commercialization, there will be a great need to devise strategies to assess ecological risks and monitor environmental impacts.  I use a combination of molecular and simulation modeling approaches to help assess potential risks posed by transgenics.  I am also interested in applying similar methods to assessing the threat posed by the introduction and spread of exotic organisms.

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